

Baru usai berbulatan gembira. Renew iman insyaAllah! Isu Palestin semestinya menjadi topik hangat 'adik-beradik' hari ini ;). Jom lihat foto-foto protes zionis laknatullah di seluruh negara.

Tadi di Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia selepas solat Jumaat.

Photo: Pro-Palestine protest in Toronto in front of the Israeli embassy. Omar Offendum there
Protes di hadapan Kedutaan Israel di Toronto, Canada!

Protes di New York City, USA!

Photo: At Protest for #Gaza in Chicago hundreds have gathered
Protes di Chicago, US!
Dunia telah bangkit!

Photo: This evening Tel Aviv - protest against the activities of the Israeli Air Force over Gaza
Protes di Tel Aviv!

Photo: ‎اليوم في الجامعة العبرية بالقدس مظاهرة للطلبة الفلسطينيين وطلبة صهاينة يردون بالمثل
Today in Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Protest of Palestinian students and the Zionists students replied by another protest‎
Pertemuan Hak dan batil !
اليوم في الجامعة العبرية بالقدس مظاهرة للطلبة الفلسطينيين وطلبة صهاينة يردون بالمثل
Today in Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Protest of Palestinian students and the Zionists students replied by another protest.

Photo: England | 400 people gather in Manchester to protest bombing of Gaza; speakers include PSC, MAB & local trade unions
4000 berkumpul di Manchester, England menunjukkan solidariti kpd rakyat Gaza? Kita?

Photo: protest against Israel's attack on Gaza, in front of Israeli mission in San Francisco
Protest against Israel's attack on Gaza @ San Francisco.

Photo: Now| Demo for #Gaza in south korea
Demo for Gaza @ Korea!

Photo: #GazaUnderAttack | Protest against Israel's attack on #Gaza, #Boston, MA 15.11.2012

Protesters marched through downtown Boston, MA in response to Israeli air strikes and planned military operation in Gaza on November 15, 2012.
The protesters chanted and held up signs as the march turned in to a rally outside the Israeli consulate in Boston. Tess Scheflan/ Activestills.org
Protest @ Boston!

Walau kita tidak berkesempatan untuk sama-sama mengalirkan peluh demi saudara kita di Palestin, kita ada doa sebagai senjata paling ampuh untuk mereka. Kita ada keupayaan untuk boikot barangan zionis laknatullah. Kita ada sedikit wang untuk diinfaqkan kepada mereka. Semoga jariah kita kekal sebagai saham berpanjangan dan yang terpenting Allah redho atas usaha kecil dan mujahiddah kita insyaAllah! Mari bersatu hati bebaskan Palestin!


nurbijen said...

Kat Bradford pun ada protes ni semalam... berderau darah melihat kesungguhan mereka, Allahuakbar!

NoEn said...

hanya doa yg mampu dititipkan buat saudara kita disana

insan_marhaen said...

Seluruh dunia bangkit...